We are in an economic hierarchy where more investors prefer cryptocurrency investments. For traditional finance providers and investors, falling behind cryptocurrencies is unthinkable. For this reason, the ETF(Exchange Traded Fund) has been developed to allow wealth funds to be traded in cryptocurrencies. Transactions started on platforms with huge budgets such as S$P, Nasdaq, and Wall Street.
What is an ETF?
ETF (Exchange Traded Fund) is a general name given to mutual funds traded on the stock exchange. It covers all traditional financial and banking services. ETFs are traded in regulated traditional financial centers.
Different projects have been produced to get rid of the pandemic effect and rise in cryptocurrencies in 2020. ETFs are among the most accepted ones. Through the ETF, cryptocurrencies can be traded on a stock exchange like a stock lot.
Wall Street BTC Transactions
In the last quarter of 2021, the first exchange-traded fund (ETF) based on Bitcoin futures contracts in the USA started trading on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) with the code “BITO”. The ETF, which attracted great interest on the first trading day, managed to close the first trading day with a 3% increase.
In the first quarter of 2022, all cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, suffered high depreciation. In November 2021, the two most important cryptocurrencies of the crypto money market, Bitcoin and Ethereum, reached all-time highs (ATH), and the value of Bitcoin on November 9 at 7:00 local time was $ 67,802.30; Ethereum was at $4,800. With their 60% depreciation, the investor shifted towards more reasonable stock market investments. These losses reached billions of dollars in a short time, and an increase in ETF preferences was observed throughout the traditional stock market.
In the report announced by Coinbase in the first quarter of 2022, it is seen that there is a significant loss in the ratio of individual and institutional investors. The ETF is hovering 82% below its first trading day, according to The Wall Street Journal. This shows us that the individual or institutional investor investing in ETF aims to gain in the long run.
The Importance of Wall Street and ETF Trading for the Investor
With the billion-dollar Bitcoin funds being converted into ETFs and traded on traditional exchanges, a significant part of the crypto problems in the investors’ minds has been answered.
The lack of a situation that gives much more confidence against hackers and at the same time requires the protection of private keys stands out as the biggest reason for investors to turn to ETF transactions.
After the approval of the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), with the updating of the laws of 1933 and 1940, Bitcoin futures will be opened. Three more applications are pending, which the SEC must respond to. After the rejection of the applications made in 2013, most applications were made in the last quarter of 2021 and the first quarter of 2022, and the total number of applications is at a record level.
Advantages of Investing with an ETFThe Importance of Wall Street and ETF Trading for the Investor
Investing with a Bitcoin ETF means trading on a stock market controlled by government agencies. This proves that cryptocurrencies are accepted as an investment tool and can be used all over the world.
Along with taking extra precautions against hackers, who are seen as the greatest danger brought by the digital world, government-supported fund protection is also taken.
The same market prices can be used in Bitcoin trading.
Getting ETF approval and starting transactions in major stock markets such as Wall Street paves the way for institutional investors to invest more.
The processing of Bitcoins, which are kept in wallets and only yield with the market price, through ETF, provides extra income to be used as an investment tool in the market.
Disadvantages of Investing with an ETF
Obtaining approval from government institutions, especially the SEC, and FED, creates long processes and can also be evaluated negatively.
Large stock market companies need to be supported by laws to update their ETF protocols and keep up with innovations.
For ETF, which is considered a new investment area, many fake stock markets, and investment brokerage companies can take place in the market. For this reason, it is very important to supervise investment companies in the state.